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There are industries that have a long story behind them. A history written by life itself, in which much changes. The history of fabric and clothing is no different.
The world of fabric looked completely different
If we were to look back very far, to the beginning of humanity, we would probably see that the first people began to cover themselves in everything that nature provided. Skins and furs, but also feathers and various grasses and leaves. In short, everything that could be shaped and modified in some way so that their bodies wouldn’t be naked. There were no needles and sewing machines, so clothes were created by binding the components together and throwing them over each other, so that they were held together sufficiently and most importantly fulfilled their primary task - to protect against the cold. The history of fabric and clothing could probably begin here, although the history of fabric and early fashion began many centuries later. Linen came first, followed much later by cotton, wool and silk. It’s hard to believe that they were the decisive components in the economic world.
The modern age brought changes, and supported designers
Renaissance fashion was much influenced by art. We can say that everything should be harmonious, and the beauty of fabrics, which Italian artists preferred, should stand out. Pomegranates, and other large eccentric designs, became popular. Velvet, brocade and silk were mostly worn at that time. It’s true that new designs and pleating, as well as new fashion decorations and elements, then appeared. Gradually, however, not only the grandeur, but also the weight of the clothes increased. And so the following centuries saw various modifications that gave space to colours. Until slowly, after various experiments, clothing similar to that which we know today was created.
Contemporary fashion
If a century was characterised by a certain element that stood out at the time, then that doesn’t apply today. The days when Czechoslovakia was a great clothing and fabric power, during the First Republic, are gone forever. A lot has changed thanks to that, too. In fact, we can see all kinds of clothes today.
Women’s fashion – styles changed very quickly. Skirts and dresses became lighter and shorter, necklines became more low-cut, and trousers could be seen much more frequently on women.
Men’s fashion – here, the trend progressed slightly slower, but still, in earlier times, men appeared more often in formal suits with various specific accessories.
Today, some forms of clothing are very common. For example, sportswear, outdoor wear, or work or company suits bearing a company logo - these are uniform for everyone. Perhaps only formal attire, where men wear a smart suit, with a suitable shirt and a tie or bow tie, has retained its grandeur. On ladies, impressive formal dresses and shoes, and a smart hairstyle, also stand out.
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